Sunday, March 18, 2007

Moving Right Along

My really great news is that the person that gave me the movie passes called to say that they have another one for me. They thought that, because I was so pleased to get the two they gave me yesterday, they might as well pass on any extra ones that they get to me. I went to get it after my brunch and tucked it away. They also gave me a $2 Tim Horton’s coupon that I can trade for money with someone. I suspect that they are getting a kick out of thinking up little things to give me that I can turn into cash for my stake.

Step 5 & 6

I went out to brunch today with a friend and her mother. I asked the friend’s mother to gift me $0.08. She asked why and I explained that I was working on a project that encouraged divergent thinking and incorporated creative problem solving. She gave me a dime and I gave her two of my pennies back. When she said to keep it, I explained that it was a lockstep process, with very specific parameters for each step, and that I would not be able to use the two pennies since it would cause me to have a surplus on that particular step. When I asked my friend to gift me $0.16, her mother asked why she couldn’t give me more. She seemed a bit insulted that I was very firm that her gift be $0.08 and no more. Step 5 is now completed. With the gift of $0.16 from my friend, Step 6 is done.

My friend will also buy the movie passes from me because her kids go to the show quite often. Now I have a trickle of passes coming in and someone that will purchase them from me for a very discounted price ($2 or $3 each). The price will vary according to the step that I am on.

In addition, my friend’s mother has asked me to do her income tax and she will pay me whatever I need. I tried to explain that I might need considerably more than it was worth but that I would do it. We will decide out how much she will pay me when I do it. I figure that, since the coming week is busy for me, I will do it the week after. I'll likely be up to step 12 or 13 by then so her payment for my service will not end up being surpluss.

Total - $0.32

Step 7

After brunch, I ran some errands and stopped at my parents place. I traded both of my father and my mother $0.16 for $0.32. My dad just put some coins in his hand and indicated that I should take what I needed. He had no pennies so I took two dimes and gave him back four of the pennies from my stake envelope. I am carrying it everywhere. Step 7 is finished.

I am really grateful that they just accept my explanation that I am working on a project and that I can’t use any of my own money except what I am able to find, trade or is given to me.

My mother wanted to give me two dimes and I told her that I needed exactly $0.16. She dug out the exact amount I had requested. Once the trade with my mom completed, Step 7 was finished and I was onto Step 8.

Total - $0.64

Step 8

I asked my mom if I could have the four pennies back. I need $0.64 to get to the next step so I figured those four pennies were a good place to start. With her giving me $0.04, although she wondered why I was so fussy about not taking the initial two dimes she offered since it came out to the same thing, I just need one coin from three people. It is easier to ask people to part with a single coin, like a quarter or a dime than to have them dig.

I am sure they think that I am turning into the family eccentric!

At another stop in my travels, the couple I went to see gave me $0.25 each. I just need another $0.10 to complete Step 8. In addition to the money, I was sent home with more pop cans. I will call the scrap yard tomorrow to see how much they pay per pound. They have agreed to collect more cans for me over the next few weeks.

Today was a good day. Not only is everyone being really helpful but, on my way home, I saw that someone had a pile of building debris to the side of their driveway. Since there was a sink in it, I wondered if there might be any copper pipe in the pile. I turned around and went back. Knocking on their door, I explained that I needed old copper pipe for a project and asked if there was any in the pile that I could scavenge. They said there was a bit & the gentleman went to get it for me. He also said if I waited, he had some small pieces in the basement. That little treasure trove will reside in my basement until I go to the scrap yard.

I will have to open an e-gold account for the misc pennies that I am earning from ClixnCash and any other source that I can find. Although it is small amounts, it will be very helpful in pushing me into another step. Someone had a good idea, which was buying the e-gold from themselves and deducting a standard exchange fee.

Total today - $1.10

Grand total - $1.18

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